Actually, we realized it much later! EFF Factor has evolved over a period of last 4 years and has transformed itself into a extremely powerful management tool for improving the productivity of the firms. EFF Factor presently caters to the firms engaged in service sector. In near future we hope to offer solutions for everyone, yes almost. Evolution continues! In this journey we realized, that the principle that we are following has a name. Let’s
It is hard to believe that economists are still trying to figure out what are the real causes of inflation. The limitations of traditional methods of data collection, delays and inaccuracies involved in the same, are being discussed once again. If data made available late, gets corrected over a period of time, as in the case of GDP data; policy decisions based on such data, are also likely to be ineffective, even after ignoring the
Profit or loss at 2:30 pm
Category: Article, Blogs, Uncategorized
Truly real-time with EFF Factor. Ascertaining profit of your firm can really be a complex and time-consuming exercise. Monthly or yearly profit is known only after a few months/ weeks after the end of the period. By then it is too late for any corrective action. Eff factor software shows profit of your firm on real-time basis i.e. at any time on any day. Unbelievable? Let’s see how EFF Factor manages to do this. In
The “Time Studies” were introduced by F W Taylor and enhanced further by Gilbreths’ “Motion studies”, to the industrial world more than 100 years ago. The purpose of these “Time and motion studies” was to find the standard time to do a particular task. The studies led to removal of redundancies, reduction in the costs and improvement in the efficiency. These techniques suffered sharp criticism in those days. However, the approach is still relevant and
EFF Factor‘s approach is different when it comes to efficient management of the firms in the service sector and was explained in the previous article. EFF Factor allows the user firm to set it’s profit target and provide other components of basic data to generate a budget, which can provide not only a guide but also enormous information to monitor the performance of the whole firm. The components to create the budget provided by the